Update installation instructions

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rui hildt 2020-05-13 20:24:01 +02:00
parent dd93f94f3a
commit ca0bd47ed8
1 changed files with 24 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -11,17 +11,27 @@ It's based on the availibity of all participants for specific days.
- [Flowchart](https://app.diagrams.net/#Uhttps://git.armada.digital/meeting-planner/documentation/raw/branch/master/meetingscheduler.drawio)
## Backend installation
## Installation
### 1 | Create a database on Postgres
Any up to date postgres should work.
You will need the following informations:
- username
- password
- hostname
- database
### 0 | Requirements
Meeting Planner runs on virtually any system where Node.js is supported.
This means it runs on Linux, macOS, Windows as well as container solutions such as Docker / Kubernetes and Heroku.
### 2 | Create and/or configure an `.env` file
- Postgres 9.5 or later
- NodeJS 10.12 or later
*[KnexJS](https://knexjs.org/), the database driver used is compatible with other databases like MySQL.
With small adaptation, it should be possible to use them, but this has not been tested.*
### 1 | Configure Postgres to use UTC
** Make sure that Postgres database used is configured to UTC **
See [Postgres Documentation](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-set.html)
### 2 | Create and/or configure environement variables
- Create a `.env` file at the root of the backend folder
- Replace all variables noted with `$` below, and save it to the `.env` file
@ -32,17 +42,17 @@ PORT=$port_number
### 3 | Installation of packages (NodeJS needs to be installed)
### 3 | Installation of packages with npm
- `npm i`
### Migrate tables to database
### 4 | Migrate tables to database
- `npx knex migrate:latest`
### Seed database with dummy content (optional)
Running this will add some users and meetings.
### 5 | Seed database with dummy content **(optional)**
Running this will add some accounts along with some meetings.
- `npx knex seed:run`
**List of users**
**Accounts created**
| Liza | Emile | Jack | Cynthia | Celine |
| :--------------- | :---------------- | :--------------- | :------------------ | :----------------- |