const Queue = require('./queue'); const Graph = require('./graph'); function findPathWithDijkstra(cities, roads, startNode, endNode) { const graph = new Graph(); // Add cities and roads to graph for (let city of cities) { graph.addNode( } for (let { start_city_id, end_city_id, distance } of roads) { graph.addEdge(start_city_id, end_city_id, distance) } // Dijkstra path search algo let times = {}; let backtrace = {}; let queue = new Queue(); times[startNode] = 0; graph.nodes.forEach(node => { if (node !== startNode) { times[node] = Infinity } }); queue.enqueue([startNode, 0]); while (queue.size()) { let shortestStep = queue.dequeue(); let currentNode = shortestStep[0]; graph.adjacencyList[currentNode].forEach(neighbor => { let time = times[currentNode] + neighbor.distance; if (time < times[neighbor.node]) { times[neighbor.node] = time; backtrace[neighbor.node] = currentNode; queue.enqueue([neighbor.node, time]); } }); } let path = [endNode]; let lastStep = endNode; while(lastStep !== startNode) { path.unshift(backtrace[lastStep]) lastStep = backtrace[lastStep] } // return `Path is ${path} and time is ${times[endNode]}` return {path, distance: times[endNode]} } module.exports = findPathWithDijkstra;