var needle = require('../'), sinon = require('sinon'), should = require('should'), http = require('http'), helpers = require('./helpers'); var port = 3456; describe('urls', function() { var server, url; function send_request(cb) { return needle.get(url, cb); } before(function(done){ server = helpers.server({ port: port }, done); }) after(function(done) { server.close(done); }) describe('null URL', function(){ it('throws', function(){ (function() { send_request() }).should.throw(); }) }) describe('invalid protocol', function(){ before(function() { url = 'foo://' }) it('does not throw', function(done) { (function() { send_request(function(err) { done(); }) }).should.not.throw() }) it('returns an error', function(done) { send_request(function(err) {; err.code.should.match(/ENOTFOUND|EADDRINFO|EAI_AGAIN/) done(); }) }) }) describe('invalid host', function(){ before(function() { url = 'http://s1\\\' }) it('fails', function(done) { (function() { send_request(function(){ }) }.should.throw(TypeError)) done() }) }) /* describe('invalid path', function(){ before(function() { url = '\\\/x\\\ %^&*() /' }) it('fails', function(done) { send_request(function(err) {; done(); }) }) }) */ describe('valid protocol and path', function() { before(function() { url = 'http://localhost:' + port + '/foo'; }) it('works', function(done) { send_request(function(err){ should.not.exist(err); done(); }) }) }) describe('no protocol but with slashes and valid path', function() { before(function() { url = '//localhost:' + port + '/foo'; }) it('works', function(done) { send_request(function(err){ should.not.exist(err); done(); }) }) }) describe('no protocol nor slashes and valid path', function() { before(function() { url = 'localhost:' + port + '/foo'; }) it('works', function(done) { send_request(function(err){ should.not.exist(err); done(); }) }) }) describe('double encoding', function() { var path = '/foo?email=' + encodeURIComponent('what-ever@Example.Com'); before(function() { url = 'localhost:' + port + path }); it('should not occur', function(done) { send_request(function(err, res) { should.not.exist(err); should(res.req.path).be.exactly(path); done(); }); }); }) })