// PostgreSQL Query Builder & Compiler // ------ const inherits = require('inherits'); const QueryCompiler = require('../../../query/compiler'); const { reduce, identity } = require('lodash'); function QueryCompiler_PG(client, builder) { QueryCompiler.call(this, client, builder); } inherits(QueryCompiler_PG, QueryCompiler); Object.assign(QueryCompiler_PG.prototype, { // Compiles a truncate query. truncate() { return `truncate ${this.tableName} restart identity`; }, // is used if the an array with multiple empty values supplied _defaultInsertValue: 'default', // Compiles an `insert` query, allowing for multiple // inserts using a single query statement. insert() { const sql = QueryCompiler.prototype.insert.call(this); if (sql === '') return sql; const { returning } = this.single; return { sql: sql + this._returning(returning), returning, }; }, // Compiles an `update` query, allowing for a return value. update() { const withSQL = this.with(); const updateData = this._prepUpdate(this.single.update); const wheres = this.where(); const { returning } = this.single; return { sql: withSQL + `update ${this.single.only ? 'only ' : ''}${this.tableName} ` + `set ${updateData.join(', ')}` + (wheres ? ` ${wheres}` : '') + this._returning(returning), returning, }; }, // Compiles an `update` query, allowing for a return value. del() { const sql = QueryCompiler.prototype.del.apply(this, arguments); const { returning } = this.single; return { sql: sql + this._returning(returning), returning, }; }, aggregate(stmt) { return this._aggregate(stmt, { distinctParentheses: true }); }, _returning(value) { return value ? ` returning ${this.formatter.columnize(value)}` : ''; }, // Join array of table names and apply default schema. _tableNames(tables) { const schemaName = this.single.schema; const sql = []; for (let i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) { let tableName = tables[i]; if (tableName) { if (schemaName) { tableName = `${schemaName}.${tableName}`; } sql.push(this.formatter.wrap(tableName)); } } return sql.join(', '); }, forUpdate() { const tables = this.single.lockTables || []; return ( 'for update' + (tables.length ? ' of ' + this._tableNames(tables) : '') ); }, forShare() { const tables = this.single.lockTables || []; return ( 'for share' + (tables.length ? ' of ' + this._tableNames(tables) : '') ); }, skipLocked() { return 'skip locked'; }, noWait() { return 'nowait'; }, // Compiles a columnInfo query columnInfo() { const column = this.single.columnInfo; let schema = this.single.schema; // The user may have specified a custom wrapIdentifier function in the config. We // need to run the identifiers through that function, but not format them as // identifiers otherwise. const table = this.client.customWrapIdentifier(this.single.table, identity); if (schema) { schema = this.client.customWrapIdentifier(schema, identity); } let sql = 'select * from information_schema.columns where table_name = ? and table_catalog = ?'; const bindings = [table, this.client.database()]; if (schema) { sql += ' and table_schema = ?'; bindings.push(schema); } else { sql += ' and table_schema = current_schema()'; } return { sql, bindings, output(resp) { const out = reduce( resp.rows, function(columns, val) { columns[val.column_name] = { type: val.data_type, maxLength: val.character_maximum_length, nullable: val.is_nullable === 'YES', defaultValue: val.column_default, }; return columns; }, {} ); return (column && out[column]) || out; }, }; }, distinctOn(value) { return 'distinct on (' + this.formatter.columnize(value) + ') '; }, }); module.exports = QueryCompiler_PG;